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Од Wikisource

hello! I'm Mohamed Essam, from Egypt. You can see my page in Arabic Wikipedia here.

Boxes about me
ar-N هذا المستخدم لغته الأم هي العربية.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
Овој корисник има направено глобална сметка. Неговата главна сметка е на Википедија (Arabic).
This user is an administrator on the Arabic Wikisource. (verify·CA)
This user is an administrator on the Arabic Wikipedia. (verify·CA)
This user is a member of the Small Wiki Monitoring Team.
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
This translator translates from
English to Standard Arabic.